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Monday, June 1, 2015

Policy of the Month: Parents & Providers as a Team

The following is taken directly out of our handbook on how important it is to be a team in the ongoing process of educating your child and giving them positive experiences. Please read on about how we go about this team building that makes your child be all they can be.

     Jellybean Daycare & Preschool believes that every child is special. Every child has different needs. We want to meet all these needs the best we can. If there is ever a time that you feel we are not doing that, please let us know. Each room has a lead teacher and we ask that you go to that teacher first to resolve any issues, if that doesn’t resolve the issue then please make an appointment with Jenn or Julie so we can work things out as a team.

     We want Jellybean Daycare & Preschool to feel like a mix between a daycare center and a family member’s house. We want parents to feel as welcome as their children do. Jellybean Daycare & Preschool offers many ways for parents to be involved. First with our open door policy which allows parents to visit, observe, or help in the classroom whenever they want. We do ask that while you are visiting that you are responsible for your child, that you and your child follow Jellybean Daycare & Preschool rules, and that you be respectful to the fact that the teachers are here to watch the children and not converse with the adults. If you need to talk we can set up a time to do so. We also ask 
that you try not to visit during nap time (12:30-3:00.) 

     Parents are also included on all of our field trips. Since most of our parents work, we also offer family functions that happen after hours. Some of these things include, Family Swim Nights, Holiday Parties, Trunk-or-Treat, and Pizza & Movie Night. This is a time for the families to get to know the 
teachers better and each other.

     We feel that communication is the most important part of a healthy relationship between the parents and providers. One way of doing that is through our monthly Jellybean Newsletter and calendar which you will receive via email. This has information from the past month and the upcoming month. It lets you know what topics we are discussing, any field trips we might be taking, days we are closed and other special days. This provides you with the opportunity to discuss the upcoming month with your child. We also use the parent board located in the reception area. This has the month’s newsletter, calendar, menus, upcoming events, and notes of any changes for the month. 
Your child will also have their own binder. This includes a journal that is written in by the teachers on a regular basis. It has information about your child from something funny they said, what they did that day, who they played with, if there was a problem at school, milestones that your child reached and lots of other stuff. There are also ongoing assessments and past assessments in the binders. These are always available for parents to read.

     Daily communication is also important. Technology makes that easier. Parents can email, text, call, or talk to their teachers everyday about their child. Let your teacher know what works best for you.

     Jellybean Daycare & Preschool has many resources available to you. So if you ever have a question please feel free to ask us. We would love to help or help you find help. We hold conferences twice a year to discuss your child. Discussing your child is not limited to this time, if you need to talk any other time, more than a few minutes, please feel free to call your child’s teacher or set up a time that will work best for both of you. We value parents’ opinions and want you to be involved in the decision making here at Jellybean. Twice per year (once in spring and once in fall), we send out parent surveys. Based on the results of the surveys, changes may be made (according to majority.)
Survey questions include items such as: hours, vacations, fundraisers, lesson plans, etc. As a token of our appreciation for all the wonderful parents we have here, we have a “Parent Appreciation Breakfast” every few months. We have coffee and breakfast goodies for you to enjoy here with your child or on the road on your way to work.

Have any questions? Let us know.

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