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Monday, July 27, 2015

Garden Updates

Back in May, we wrote about the new exciting updates we were making this summer to the outside playground. We'd love to check in to let you all know how things are going and how the kids are loving their new playscape!

Being summer, our garden is the newest thing happening on the playground. As Ms. Melissa and Ms. Alexis provide the primary care of the garden, the children have really started to gain interest as they can see actual vegetables growing. We are growing cabbage, brussel sprouts, peppers, and cucumbers. In addition to these veggies we planted, three tomato plants have sprouted back up from last year's planting. So far, we've only picked two heads of cabbage which we'll be cooking and trying out during lunch time soon. The brussel sprouts are growing normally, the peppers are growing a bit slow, there's one tomato on the plants, and the cucumbers are about to start growing like crazy. All of the veggies we pick from our garden we will be eating once there's enough to go around for everyone to try.

At first, the children weren't too interested in the garden. But now that there's something physically growing from the garden, they are all over it! The children consistently check the garden to make sure it's growing properly, help the teachers water the plants, and pull weeks when it's not super muddy. Getting down in the dirt with the plants is where the children will learn best.

Apart from the garden, we have our flowers and trees that we planted. The kids love taking care of the flowers. They water them and pick off the dead petals from the flower to make sure they look their best. As for the trees, the kids are very protective of them. The kids have watched these trees grow this past year after they planted them themselves. They love to water them and make sure they're growing straight.

Talk to your child about what plants they see when they go outside for recess with their friends! They love to talk about it here; I'm sure they'd love to talk about it at home as well.

1 comment:

  1. Gardening is always much fun. It becomes more enjoyable when you will involve the kids physically in gardening. They will love what they are doing.
